Kandungan Blog Aku

Jumaat, 8 Mei 2009


Today is my besday and what matters most, that I am so glad my children remembered. They sent me greetings and kind words to go along with this occasion. And one of them invited me to his house for a BBQ dinner. My friends from the net too sent me cards to brighten my day. It goes without saying though.. I am blowing more and more candles now as I celebrate my birthdays.

7 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

hepy birthday tokkk... moga pnjng umur, murah rezeki... dn sihat sll

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Birthday card untukmu... Klik di SINI

RA berkata...

Semoga sehat wal'afiat dan selalu dalam lindunganNya. Bahagia dan selamat dunia-akhirat :).

MiKoyAn berkata...

selamat ulang tahun pak..semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan kurniaan nikmat dari Ilahi..

ANUAR ZAIN berkata...

Soca: You are so thoughtful, luv you sayang!

Rosidah: Terima kasih, mudah2an direstui Allah jua, ameen.

Mikoyan: Segala doamu diberkati Allah, Ameeen.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

luv u too... hehe!

Unknown berkata...

I hope you had a wonderful birthday Anuar, you are a great person! Sorry I am just now leaving you a message, I am just a little behind in checking my emails, lol.